Collaborate with Department of Animal Production a Health (DAPH) & Public Health Veterinary Services (PHVS) for animal screening and treatment.

Due to the increasing number of Brugia malayi cases in the endemic districts, collaboration with PHVS to conduct animal surveillance and treat infected animals was initiated in 2023.

Collaborate with the Department of Agriculture for the introduction of plant predators.

The Mansonia mosquito breeds in water bodies that have aquatic plants such as salvinia and pistia. Support is obtained for removal or introduction of plant-eating bugs (Neochetina eichhorniae and Neochetina bruchi)

Collaborate with local authorities to remove mosquito breeding sites.

Cleaning blocked drains and aquatic plants in the lakes and other water bodies in endemic districts will reduce breeding sites.

Collaborate with the International Organization for Migrants (IOM).

Detection of filaria-positive migrants entering Sri Lanka and treating them to ensure the prevention of transmission of the disease to the local population.

Collaborate with the Divisional Secretariat Offices in endemic districts.

The support of the officers attached to the Divisional Secretariat Office will ensure the support of the community during screening and Mass Drug Administration programs.